Time Travel/during and after Spike Tales
Hey bronies and others alike with taking this hiatus to fully develop the Spike Tales story to fit into the mlp concept to not make it like most fan-fictions(even though their is nothing wrong with them and most of them are very good)so most of the story is recoiling around Spike saving the Main 6's past because even after all the impact Spike has had on the main six's lives aligned with them even the cutie mark crusaders had more of an impact in the series sadly and you have to trust me on this,i agree in the Friendship is Magic,Spike has his fair share of epic moments but once again i say aligned with The Main 6"s achievements they have the high ground,but not any long,Spike will have his share in the limelight.Sorry for a short blog in a long time but i can assure you that the next blog won't be as long. Epic Spike link: https://images.app.goo.gl/vFAr1vMNhJfKJPby9 Twitter:@SpikesLittleDr1