Back at it again/beginning part 1
Hey bronies and others alike,I'm sorry i haven't posted in days because I've been at work on my new studio to help produce the main things on Spike Tales,like in Zelda with the Master Sword,but in this post I'm gonna write about the to be in development the main part of Spike Tales and almost everything is gonna be in this Post even the songs,(I may be in trouble)So here it is.Other things to mention is that Spike is now 14 years old suspecting that Spike was 12 when the series ended,also the same as Sweetie belle,Scootaloo,and Apple bloom,and Smolder is also 14 years old.Spike Tales happens 2 years after Friendship is Magic.
Beginning:Pinkie Pie and Rarity get of the train into Canterlot from Ponyvile,then Applejack and Rainbow Dash coming to then as a new couple wit fluttershy coming closely behind greeting each other in their on way,and later after Queen Twilight makes a grand entrance,the other's say she knows how to make a entrance like Celesta,after talking for a minute,the others ask for where is spike,She didn't know until they heard a familiar voice in the distance,It was full Grown 14 year old spike singing Believe to the kids who was taking a tour of Canterlot.
After the song they together for their reunion,they all went to get ready for the galla that is now being held in the crystal empire with Spike performing for the galla as it's singer(Am i i saying this right eh) then we discover that Spike has a new lover that she has been swooning over for 1 year.
to be continued
Music Video :
Spike Photo :
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