Being an Idiot
Before we get into anything this subject does not change my image on My Little Pony series,or of Spike's character but enlightening it,all together now.Hey bronies and others alike i was on night just chilling always having my mind on my future and the future of Spike Tales i was thinking on the whole concept of My Little Pony overlooking,and forgot the most obvious part and i am embarrassed as when i overlooked that much so don't judged me,and that was at the first season the whole demographic was based on Girl Power while still keeping that fact and transforming into something more beautiful,wholesome and beautiful,and the more i got into it,the more my understanding and my creatively grow,and the more my Spike Tales story to evolve into something into more than a alternate universe grown up spike little sob,good times adventure,no into something worthy of up holding the name of My Little Pony while still uphold he fact it is Spike's Adventure and his turn to save the day,find himself out in the process,and to uphold his process(One last thing i am an active procrastinator and it took over a few hours to write this)
Spike pic link:
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